Calgary SPOKE 
Sunday, July 2, 2000.  1:00 - 3:00 PM.

1304 10th Ave. SW, Calgary, AB
(403) 229-2383

On Saturday afternoon along the Dead Man flats into Calgary the Trans Canada winds carried an image that frightened even the bravest of us cyclists. Clouds of darkness and lightning unloaded cold rain, hail, and gusting cross winds up to 60 km/hr. When the ice pellets slammed down on us with a hostile, stinging bite we disengaged our battle and headed for shelter to the nearest highway subway tunnel.

"HA! This is CRAZY!!!", we exclaimed as we continued along #1 Hwy between the intermittent downpours along our path.

Although the Alberta weather presented us with an unfavorable welcome, the supporters and staff at Calgary's Community Natural Foods received us with rewarding fanfare, cheers, media, and best of; fuel for what lies ahead.


Picture of Staff and SPOKE at Community Natural Foods

