How to be a stronger web publisher
Go get better WordPress Hosting!
WordPress has evolved tremendously in recent years, so has web hosting and server technologies. Many people are slow in adapting to changes in technology. It’s human nature.
It’s that situation where we say, “Yeah, I’ve heard about that ‘new thing’ —like cloud hosting, content delivery networks, and managed WordPress Hosting—but until I figure it out or some emergency like a hack, data loss, or site failure encourages otherwise, I’ll just stay the course.”
Well, when it comes to your WordPress powered site, that needs to change. We’re asking our websites (and host servers) to do WAY more. Stuffing them with mobile friendly, responsive themes, social media integrations, and a bunch of plugins, we cross our fingers and hope our WordPress installations don’t fail. Some of us are also too stingy to pay for real backup service to protect our data.
But wait, did you say your website is the most important marketing tool & communication hub for your whole business?
Oh, so maybe you need to invest a bit more to keep it running top notch, eh?!
Here I am with my very own (first time) affiliate link to a company that I support wholeheartedly with all of my WordPress hosting needs.
I encourage all of my clients, and you too, to use WP Engine. This is the only “ad” you’ll see on my site. If you click the banner or images with my domain name above/below, you’ll get 20% off your first payment. And sure, I’ll get a small kick. It’s a win win win.
Go ahead, research WP Engine yourself to see their plans. It’s not cheap, but didn’t you say your business promotion efforts revolve around your website? Right. So, you get what you pay for… incredible service, reliable security and backups, and total friggin’ peace of mind.
As a web developer, I think WP Engine is worth their weight in gold. When you’re finished tire-kicking, come back to this page and click on my very own affiliate banner. I think I only get a couple bucks, but hey, I appreciate it! Cheers! CG