Among the many famous people who died last year was my beloved Grandmother (Gram), Barbara Larson.
On June 17th, at the age of 96, Gram died peacefully at her home in Kelowna, BC. She was surrounded by close family including my aunt & uncle, my cousins, and my dad who flew out from Toronto to be with her in her final waking hours.
For any human, living to 96 is indeed a long life. Gram lived a beautiful life sharing her love of family, traveling the world, and witnessing incredible changes in society: she lived through the second World War; experienced Ontario’s electrification; and, in her nineties, learned how to FaceTime with her Great Granddaughter across the continent.

While Gram experienced her fair share of ailments and injuries, she remained an active, healthy gal. She was determined to outlive her mother, my Great Grandmother, Anne Sayers, who lived to 103. We were so convinced about Gram’s determination to live to the age of 104 that we were genuinely surprised when she declined to the point of system shut down. When the point of no return hit and palliative care for the home was the last medical option, we didn’t believe we were in the midst of her departure. Compared to Anne, Gram was cut short.
I miss Gram immensely, but will always be grateful for the time we spent living together when I was fresh out of college working for Dillon Consulting, and for the many summers she spent at the cottage with family, swimming, painting, and playing cards. She will be remembered for her love of friends, animals, family, and a good stiff Gin & Tonic.
Cheers, Gram. Rest in Peace.